Main Street Symphony

Did you once play a string instrument? Or do you play and want to join a group?

The goal of the orchestra is to bring together adult musicians of all backgrounds from beginning musicians to musicians who may be coming back to their instrument.

In 1995, Dixie’s dream was to sponsor an adult amateur orchestra for the many musicians we saw on a daily basis in our shop. The biggest problem was finding a space where they could rehearse. When we bought our new building, we created the Lynam-Huthmaker Music Center and a rehearsal hall for the orchestra. After the “Name the Orchestra” contest was held, the lofty title was suggested by several people and the Main Street Symphony was born!

For the last ten years, the orchestra continues to grow with new members and exciting musical compositions.

Our conductor is Thomas Pearson who holds a degree in violin performance and is an excellent teacher. The group gives three concerts a year and rehearses on Sunday evenings from 4-6:30. No auditions. The only requirement is a love of music.

For updates, information and to learn more, visit the Main Street Symphony Facebook page
or call us 770.945.1188