Photo Gallery
Huthmaker Violins has a rich history of honoring and hosting violin and bow makers, trips to Europe, violin auctions, workshops, Italian and French exhibits, genres of all things “fiddle” plus actively promoting string education for all ages. Our Gallery takes you on a journey though many of our adventures.

Stephano Trabucci and Our New Trabucci Fiddle
We have been special friends with Stephano for twenty years. He came with the Italian Violin Exhibit to our shop twenty years earlier. When we visited Mondo Musica in New York, Dixie couldn’t resist taking home one of his violins.

Celebrating with Raffin
The publication of L’Archet by Jean Francois Raffin was monumental in the violin world. We got to celebrate that event with our special friend–right before he was showered with champagne.

Lyon, France
Dixie and Charlie stopped in Lyon for a lovely dinner after a week of fast-paced violin auctions in Vichy. Guess how many fiddles are in our famous “Big Red” suitcase? Dixie’s mother bought the suitcase for $5.00 at a garage sale–not knowing it would become a valuable violin carrier.

Anna and the Bow Collection of Bernard Millant
When Bernard Millant died, the violin world mourned. His wish for his amazing bow and violin collection was to be “scattered all over the world through an auction. The entire Huthmaker Family had the privilege of seeing the collections.

Honoring Stradivari
It rarely snows in Cremona, Italy but we braved the cold to put flowers on the grave of Antonio Stradivari. It’s a tradition each time we visit Cremona. Our dear friend Bob Bragg was with us for this trip.

Greg Alf and his Violin Teacher
Many years ago, in Athens, Georgia, Buddy taught a young man to play the violin. His name was Tommy but later the violin world came to know him as Greg Alf, master violin maker.

World's Largest 'cello
The luthiers in Mirecourt, France decided to build the largest ‘cello in the world for their town. Mirecourt is the home of the famous French violinmaker school. It stands for two floors in the museum. On each side, you can walk up steps and stand inside the ‘cello. I’m with our French host and our attache.

So Many Fiddles
When you go to the Vichy (France) auction there are around 1200 lots (600 instruments and 600 bows) that we have to inspect. The rule is: look at everything three times before you buy. We work hard but we eat well.

Scrollavezza & Zanrè
Partners, Liza and Andre are master violin makers in Parma, Italy. Their instruments are played in orchestras and by concert artists all over the world.

Horse-Trading at World Fiddle Day
Big tent is set up in the front yard. Tables are full of instruments, bows and parts. Under the magnolia tree, players start playing and fill the day with music.

First Italian Violin Exhibit
Domanic Musafia asked if we would like an Italian violin maker for our first exhibit. Five gifted young makers spent a magical week with us and came back many times over the years. L to R: Giorgio Grisales, Marco Nolli, Danielle Tonarelli, Stephano Trabucci and Edgar Russ

Italian Violin Exhibits
We love violin exhibits. Imagine filling the shop with Cremonese violins, violas and ‘celli. Mix in a few of our favorite makers, some food and wine and you have a celebration we have enjoyed and repeated over and over.

Mathijs Heyligers Cremona Master Maker
Mathijs has been a special friend of the Huthmakers for many years. He is one of the master makers in Cremona. One of our customers has a Heyligers ‘cello, violin and viola.

Workshop of French Maker Francois Lebeau
The French government hosted us on a tour of France and the opportunity to meet many instrument and bow makers. Francois invited us (along with Gerald and Junta Field) to visit his workshop in Anncey.

The Violin Party
Huthmaker Violins were selected as one of three American shops to host this exciting exhibit. Violins, violas, ‘celli plus their bows. The event started with a reception and ended with a grand concert featuring the exhibit instruments being performed by our friends.

Our French Guests
After the French had hosted us with three different tours of instrument and bow makers, we were invited to host the first American/French Exhibit. Nine makers, five French attaches and the French Consol helped us celebrate.

Buddy and Antonio
Strolling through Cremona, Italy, we always stop by the Stradivari statue. It’s a special place. We love to visit Cremona with the hundreds of violin makers, Stradavari museum (his tools are there), the school and the wonderful food.

Celebrating Women Luthiers
In 2022, Huthmaker Violins was so proud to celebrate the extraordinary making that women are doing all over the world! And we were honored to have Briana Goldman, Ute Zahn, Sofia Vettori, Amelyse Arroyo, Stephanie Voss and Kristin Siegfried Ballenger here as makers in residence for the Exhibit.

Mondo Musica 2022
In the fall of 2022, Dixie and Anna Huthmaker were invited by the Italian government to attend Mondo Musica as their guests. While the entire event was amazing, the best part was seeing our favorite makers and their families. Here, Dixie is with our wonderful Stefano Trabucchi and his beautiful daughter, Lucia.